What is the injection molding method of the energy storage power supply shell?

What is the injection molding method of the energy storage power supply shell?

The injection molding method of the energy storage power supply shell is a multi-link and highly demanding process. The following is a detailed description of the injection molding method:



1. Preliminary preparation

(1) Selection of raw materials: According to the use environment and performance requirements of the energy storage power supply shell, select plastic raw materials with appropriate mechanical properties, heat resistance, corrosion resistance and insulation properties, such as ABS, PC, PA, etc.
(2) Pretreatment: The selected raw materials are dried, crushed and mixed to ensure their quality and stability.
(3) Mold design and manufacturing: The mold is a key part of the injection molding process, which needs to be designed according to the specific requirements of the shape, size and (4) function of the power supply housing. The manufacture of molds involves high-precision machining and heat treatment to ensure their quality and durability.

2, injection molding process

(1) Mold closing: close the upper and lower parts of the mold tightly to prepare for the next injection molding operation.
(2) Injection: Put the pre-treated plastic raw materials into the hopper of the injection molding machine, and make the plastic raw materials into a molten state through heating and high pressure treatment. Then, the molten plastic is injected into the mold under the control of parameters such as injection speed, pressure and temperature.
(3) Pressure preservation and cooling: After the injection is completed, continue to maintain a certain pressure to ensure that the plastic is evenly distributed in the mold and filled with the entire mold cavity. The plastic is then gradually cured by a cooling system on the mold, maintaining its shape and size.
(4) Demoulding: when the plastic is fully cured, open the mold and take out the formed energy storage power supply shell.

3, post-processing and quality testing

(1) Post-treatment: deburring, cleaning and other post-treatment operations are carried out on the removed shell to improve its appearance quality.
(2) Quality inspection: Strict inspection of the quality and performance of the shell through various testing means to ensure that it meets the design requirements and quality standards.

During the entire injection molding process, the parameters and conditions of each link need to be strictly controlled to ensure that the quality and performance of the energy storage power supply shell reach the best state. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to environmental protection and safety requirements to ensure the sustainability and safety of the production process.

Post time: Jul-15-2024