Injection mold price about how much a set?

Injection mold price about how much a set?

Injection mold is a key component of manufacturing plastic products, and the quality of the mold directly affects the quality and output of the product. Therefore, as we all know, the price of injection molds is relatively high. So, how much is the price of injection mold about a set, how much is the cost of a set of plastic mold? The following is an introduction to the relevant content, I hope to help you.

First, how much is the price of injection mold

The price of injection molds depends on different factors, among which the important factors are the specifications, materials and production processes of the molds. Under normal circumstances, the price of making a set of injection molds is generally around several thousand yuan to several hundred thousand yuan, or even higher.

There are three factors that affect the price:

1, mold specifications: the larger the size of the injection mold, the higher the price. For example, a small plastic mold with a diameter of 10 centimeters may only require a few thousand yuan, while a large mold with a diameter of more than 50 centimeters may require tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of investment.

2, material quality: commonly used injection mold materials are aluminum alloy, steel, copper and so on. Different material quality will have an impact on the durability, stability, accuracy, processing difficulty and so on. Therefore, the price of high-quality mold materials is generally higher.

3, production process: custom injection mold production process is more complex, including design, processing and debugging and other links, need a series of professional equipment and technical personnel. Therefore, the price of injection molds is also affected by the production process.

Two, open a set of plastic mold how much a

According to the different specifications of the mold and the initial design and other factors, how much does it cost to make an injection mold? (for reference only)

The cost of a simple micro-mold is generally about 1000-5000 yuan;
The cost of medium complex mold is generally about 5000-30000 yuan;
The cost of advanced complex molds is generally about 30,000-50,000 yuan;
The cost of more complex molds is generally about 50,000-100,000 yuan, or even higher.


There are three factors affecting the cost:

1, mold material and size: mold material and size have a great impact on the price. For example, the price of steel molds is higher than that of aluminum alloy molds, and the price of large molds may be higher than that of small molds.

2, the number of parts: the production cost of the new mold is allocated to each part, therefore, the more the number of production, the lower the unit price. And low quantity production will increase the unit price.

3, debugging costs: the new mold needs to be debuted and tested several times before the first use. The consumption of software, equipment and personnel will directly affect the commissioning cost.

In short, the cost of injection molds is affected by a variety of factors, and the price cannot be generalized. The price of injection molds will usually be higher than that of plastic molds, but there are also options for cheaper and individually customized parts. If you need to buy or customize these industrial equipment, be sure to consult with multiple injection mold manufacturers and compare prices to find more favorable trading conditions.

Post time: Jun-28-2023