Auto parts factory injection molding workshop is what?

Auto parts factory injection molding workshop is what?

The injection molding workshop of auto parts Factory is an important department specializing in the production of auto-related injection molding parts. Injection molding is a commonly used plastic molding process, through the injection of molten plastic into the mold, cooling and curing to obtain the required parts or products. In the automotive parts manufacturing, the injection molding process is widely used in the manufacture of various plastic parts, such as dashboards, bumpers, car lampshades, interior parts and so on.


The main responsibilities of the injection molding workshop include the following 4 aspects:

1. Mold management and maintenance
The injection molding workshop has a large number of molds of different models and specifications, which are the basis of injection molding production. The workshop needs regular maintenance and maintenance of the mold to ensure the accuracy and life of the mold, thereby improving production efficiency and product quality. At the same time, the replacement and debugging of the mold is also an important part of the daily work of the injection molding workshop to adapt to the production needs of different products.

2, raw material preparation and mixing
There are many kinds of plastic raw materials required for injection molding production, and the workshop needs to choose the appropriate raw materials and mix them according to the product requirements. The ratio and mixing quality of raw materials directly affect the performance and quality of injection molded products. Therefore, the workshop needs to strictly control the selection and mixing process of raw materials to ensure the uniformity and stability of raw materials.

3. Operation and monitoring of injection molding machine
Injection molding machine is the main production equipment of the injection molding workshop, the operator needs to master the operation skills of the injection molding machine, and can adjust the injection molding parameters according to the product requirements, such as injection pressure, speed, temperature and so on. At the same time, the workshop also needs to carry out real-time monitoring of the injection molding machine, timely discover and deal with abnormal situations in the production process, and ensure the stability and continuity of the production process.

4. Product inspection and quality control
The quality of injection molding products is directly related to the safety and reliability of automobiles. Therefore, the injection molding workshop needs to establish a perfect quality inspection system, and carry out strict inspection and testing of the products produced. This includes appearance inspection, dimensional measurement, performance testing and other aspects to ensure that products meet relevant standards and customer requirements.

In addition, the injection workshop also needs to work closely with other departments, such as research and development department, procurement department, production scheduling department, etc., to jointly promote the efficient production of auto parts.

To sum up, the injection molding workshop of the auto parts factory plays a vital role in the manufacturing of auto parts. It ensures the production of high-quality injection parts through accurate mold management, raw material preparation, injection molding machine operation and product inspection, providing a strong guarantee for the safety and reliability of the vehicle.

Post time: Apr-29-2024